Install the latest version of Nginx on Ubuntu
October 11th, 2019In most cases, when you instal NGINX from the default repositories found in common Linux distributions like Ubuntu, the versionmore…

Downgrade Node using Brew on MacOS
August 3rd, 2019There is an old saying I find myself repeating often, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”. This may seemmore…

Rewrite the WordPress uploads url path in Nginx
October 11th, 2018When migrating an existing website from standard WordPress to the Roots Bedrock framework, a common task is ensuring that yourmore…

Finding the correct pm.max_children settings for PHP-FPM
October 4th, 2018TL;DR: To calculate your pm.max_children settings using my calculator, please click here. For those of us who use php-fpm (Fastmore…
MySQL Strict Mode
September 10th, 2018When I was installing FormaLMS, an open source Learning Management System based on the original Docebo Open Source LMS, Imore…

Copper Disc Construction Projects
September 1st, 2018It’s been a while since building my last penny structure (these pictures are from 2011). I started building penny structuresmore…
Integrate Freshdesk tickets with Microsoft Planner in Office 365
August 30th, 2018On the surface, the ever evolving Microsoft Office 365 platform seems like a win. With all the toolsets included withmore…

Upgrade PHP on Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04
August 28th, 2018Ubuntu and it’s family of Linux Operating Systems make great web servers but sometimes the official software packages that installmore…

Load Google Code Prettify on WordPress post pages
August 27th, 2018Google’s Code Prettify is a handy set of JavaScript and CSS files that will apply colours and formatting to codemore…

Getting started with Browsersync
August 24th, 2018When I switched over my development for WordPress to the Bedrock framework and started using the Sage starter theme amore…